Do you think that automation is just for specialized industries such as heavy duty machinery or technical systems? That is a common misconception about automated systems. In our previous post “Why Automation? The Best Reasons for Using it” we discussed what automation is and the reasons why a company might use it. Automated systems and processes are responsible for producing so many things that we consume on a daily basis. Unfortunately, automation can sometimes be a complicated topic to tackle, so to help paint a simpler picture of exactly what automation does, check out this video from Viscon Logistics.

The entire process is automated from start to finish. You see very few people in this video because almost everything was done by machines with the help of automated systems! From the mixing of the dough to the packaging and labeling—it’s all automated.
There are many reasons that food production companies use the technology of automated systems. One key reason is consistency. When all factors can be controlled, then consistency can be achieved. The flavor will end up exactly the same each time—even the consistency of the dough can be controlled. This is because with automation there is an ability to control and monitor temperature. Because yeast can be so temperamental, being able to control the temperature at which it rises helps ensure an even rise. This means that the bread doesn’t end up being too doughy or too fluffy—it’s just right every single time. The buns and loaves of bread have a uniform golden-brown look thanks to automation.
Hopefully this video helps paint a better picture of how automation works and also shows how automation is used to create everyday items, such as bread. Next time you are enjoying delicious golden-brown bakery bread or even your favorite frozen pizza—remember you may have automation to thank for it.
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