Could your CNC Machining Business be held hostage by an antiquated controller?

Machine Shop Floor
  • Manhours are spent attempting to repair a controller while your machines sits idle.
  • Typically productive employees sit on the sidelines waiting for a replacement.
  • Your employees attempt to tackle the replacement on their own, only to find they lack the knowledge and expertise to properly fix the issue.
  • Department heads scour the internet in search for a used controller as a band-aid for what will become a recurring problem down the line.

All of these activities will negatively impact the profitability and output of your organization! It is not a matter of “if” but rather a concern of “when” you’ll find yourself in this situation if you’re not planning in advance.

Common models which fall into this category are the Allen-Bradley 8- or 9-series, as well as older GE / FANUC CNC controllers.

machine and controller
old Allen Bradley controller
old controller
programming manual

We have experience converting these older controllers to Allen-Bradley PNC which can interpret CNC code. Many suppliers provide documentation making this seem like a simple process conversion, however it is a highly complex process from a PLC code perspective. Make sure you’re working with a trusted integrator possessing the proper knowledge to handle this conversion.

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Could your CNC Machining Business be held hostage by an antiquated controller?
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